Yvette Amaro


What's your ethnicity?
100% Filipino

Where do you live?
Florida, USA.

When and Why did you start Youtube?
I started youtube 2 years ago because of my passion in dancing. I posted Kpop dance covers before but I stopped due to lack of time to practice and I'm not that good enough to bring myself out there. However, January 23, 2015 (I'll consider this as my Youtube bday) I had my comeback with my nail polish tutorial video since then I start uploading different kinds of videos every week.

Do you speak Tagalog?
Yes, I was born and raised at Philippines for the past 12 years then moved here at Florida, USA when I was 13 years old.

What camera do you use to film?
⤳ Canon Rebel T3

What software do you use to edit your video and thumbnail?
⤳ Final Cut Pro X
⤳ Photoshop

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